Cyrus Audio 40th Anniversary Bundles

Continuing with their 40th Anniversary celebrations, Cyrus will be offering their biggest bundle promotion ever, with an amazing elven bundle deals across their entire product range until the end of June 2024.

Bundle 1

i9-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP £5990

Bundle Promo Price £4990

Bundle 2 

i9-XR + CDt-XR - Saving £1400

Bundle SRP £6390

Bundle Promo Price £4990 

Bundle 3

CDi-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £800

Bundle SRP £4790

Bundle Price £3990 

Bundle 4

CDt-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP £5190

Bundle Price £4190

Bundle 5

Pre-XR + Power-XR - Saving £1600

Bundle SRP £7590

Bundle Price £5990

Bundle 6

Power-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £900

Bundle SRP - £5390

Bundle Price - £4490

Bundle 7

i9-XR + Stream-XR - Saving £600

Bundle SRP - £6090

Bundle Price - £5490 

Bundle 8

Pre-XR + PSU-XR - Saving £2000

Bundle SRP - £6990

Bundle Price - £4990

Classic Series Bundles

Bundle 9

Classic PRE + Classic POWER - Saving £1000

Bundle SRP - £4990

Bundle Price - £3990 

Bundle 10

CDi + PSX-R2 - Saving £500

Bundle SRP - £2590

Bundle Price - £2090 

Bundle 11

Classic POWER + PSX-R2 - Saving £500

Bundle SRP - £3390

Bundle Price - £2890


ATC 50th Anniversary Limited Editions